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Other Names

Bird Cherry
Indian Peach
Indian Plum
Oregon Plum

Osoberry Facts

Osoberry is the only species in genus Oemleria. The binomial name for Osoberry is Oemleria cerasiformis. Oemleria cerasiformis is also known as Oregon Plum, Indian Peach, Indian Plum, and Bird Cherry. Osoberry tastes like a very weak plum combined with blueberry. Osoberry looks a lot like pussywillow until it flowers. Osoberry rarely suffers injury from insects or disease.

Osoberry Plants

Osoberry plants are among the first plants to leaf out and flower early in the spring. Osoberry plants are shrubs that can reach 15 or 16 feet tall. Osoberry plants are native to the Pacific coast and are found in the wild from British Columbia, Canada all the way down to Santa Barbara, California.

Grow Osoberry

Osoberry is shallow rooted and will benefit from occasional irrigation during the first year or two of growth. Osoberry can also be grown by transplanting root suckers in their dormant season. Osoberry spreads slowly, and mostly by root suckering.

Osoberry Uses

Osoberry is an edible berry and may be used to make chutney. Pacific coast Native Americans make tea from Osoberry bark, and chew the twigs to use as a mild anesthetic. Osoberry are eaten by birds and small mammals.

Osoberry Farms

It may be possible to find any osoberry farms near your location. We have built a map that will show all of the berry farms in our directory!

Photo - VanNatta Herbarium - Apiary, Oregon
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