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Kotata Blackberry

Kotata Blackberry

Kotata Blackberry Facts

Kotata Blackberry is another name for Kotataberry. Kotataberry, Rubus 'Kotata', is a hybrid berry, crossing two Blackberry species with Loganberry, and Boysenberry. Kotataberry developed by the USDA with Oregon State University in 1984 as a possible replacement for the Marionberry, because it has better cold tolerance and the fruit is more firm. Kotataberry did not replace Marionberry and is grown as an earlier-bearing complement. Other Rubus hybrid berries include Loganberry, Boysenberry, Marionberry, Silvanberry, and Tayberry.

Kotata Blackberry Farms

It may be possible to find any kotata blackberry farms near your location. We have built a map that will show all of the berry farms in our directory!

Photo - Chris Bowers & Sons - Wimbotsham, Norfolk, United Kingdom
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