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Other Names

American Cranberrybush
High Bush Cranberry
Highbush Cranberry

Kalyna Facts

Kalyna is another name for American Cranberrybush. The binomial name for American Cranberrybush is Viburnum trilobum.

Kalyna Farms

It may be possible to find any kalyna farms near your location. We have built a map that will show all of the berry farms in our directory!

Kalyna Stories

Durable Delights: Spirit viburnum
Durable Delight: Spirit viburnum (Viburnum tinus “Spirit”) is a good-looking compact evergreen shrub with lots of little light pink flowers in late winter and early spring. It adds color and interest to the winter water-wise garden with little care ... Sacramento Bee [ story ]

Logging Demo Comes to Viburnum
Witness the timber industry's top logging equipment and expert loggers in action at Missouri's first-ever In-Woods Logging Demonstration and the 2013 “Game of Logging” State Competition. The two-day event will take place just west of Viburnum on Friday ... Wayne County Journal Banner [ story ]

Plant these for the birds
Viburnum (Viburnum spp.) There are several native species of viburnum (the fragrant ones with large flowers are exotic). Recently, viburnums have been plagued by the viburnum leaf beetle, which can defoliate the plant. Look for species that may be less ... The Journal News / [ story ]

Photo - Kollar Nursery - Pylesville, Maryland
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