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Black Caps

Black Caps

Other Names

Black Cap
Black Cap Raspberry
Black Raspberry
Scotch Cap
Wild Black Raspberry

Black Caps Facts

Black Caps is another name for Black Raspberry. The binomial name for Black Raspberry is Rubus occidentalis. Also known as Black Cap Raspberry, Scotch Cap, and Wild Black Raspberry. Rubus occidentalis is sometimes called Thimbleberry, but this should not be confused with Rubus parviflorus, more commonly known as Thimbleberry. Other black raspberry species are Rubus leucodermis, or Blackcap Raspberry, and Rubus coreanus, or Korean Black Raspberry.

Black Caps Farms

It may be possible to find any black caps farms near your location. We have built a map that will show all of the berry farms in our directory!

Photo - Karma's Forest Wholesale Nursery and Organic Gardens - Cheshire, Oregon

Other Species

Blackcap Raspberry
Korean Black Raspberry

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